Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Herbal-The Method To Losing Weight

By Wan Mohd Hirwani Wan Hussain

The problem with the recent popularity in herbal weight loss products is the number of them that manufacturers are producing just makes it difficult for people to decide which ones they really need. Probably the most well known of these products are pretty much household names like Guarana, Hoodia, dandelion, extract of green tea and the slightly lesser know cascara. This clever plant fools the brain into believing the blood sugar levels are higher than they real are thus suppressing the desire to eat and as been used by local tribes for centuries.

People who use Guarana find that the caffeine it contains helps to speed up their metabolism in an effort to burn off calories but it is a diuretic as well. Some people find that the side effects of this herbal weight loss product are not worth the use though as feeling dizzy, an increase in blood pressure, feelings of anxiety and sickness are not uncommon.

One particular herb that has been used for many years is dandelion which also has a diuretic effect which is not too much of a problem although some allergic reactions to its use have been reported. While it is very effective at reducing the amount of fluid in the body, this herbal supplement is not designed to be used on daily basis.

In an effort to maintain a healthy system many natural weight loss products use cascara, an herbal laxative which helps expel unwanted and unhealthy toxins from the body. Just because it is marketed as an herbal weight control supplement doesn't make it any better and its overuse can cause depletion in vital nutrients.

Although an ancient herbal weight loss product, green tea provides many benefits which are only just being explored in the West with many items now containing them including skin care products. Like many weight loss supplements, green tea is more successful when used in combination with a diet based on healthy eating and exercise.

Even though real proof of the long term effectiveness of natural weight loss supplements is short on the ground, they maintain their popularity and people using them spend thousands of dollars buying them each year. A few products containing Hoodia are being sold for close to 50 dollars for a one month supply so you would be forgiven in thinking that the only weight loss that can be expected is more evident in our wallets than around our belly. The real truth is that herbal weight loss supplements do have their place but they should not be relied upon to control weight on their own but should be part of a regime which promotes healthy eating and exercise.

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